import numpy as np import os #===== MAIN CODE ====# #--- Initial parameters ---# myMS = '' #--- This is the calibrated measurement set with the science target (generated during step 1 of #--- Parameters for images shown Imaging Tutorial Extra ---# contSPW = '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8:300~959,9:0~85;115~959,10' myCell = '0.152arcsec' #--- cell/pixel size of your images. A string of format 'X.xxxarcsec' myImsize = 300 #--- number of x by y pixels in your image. Format integer myThreshold = '0.226mJy' #--- 3x your calculated theoretical threshold. A string of format 'Y.ymJy' myMask = 'Z_CMa_ALL_SPW_CONTINUUM.mask' # generated during the interactive cleaning of the continuum in step 3 of #--- Logic switches ---# """ Set the step you wish to run to = True and all others to = False """ #For symplicity, all the steps use non-interactive mode and the same mask for cleaning (defined with parameter myMask). step0 = False #--- Image the continuum with few iterations (undercleaning). step1 = False #--- Image the continuum with natural weighting (better sensitivity, worst angular resolution). step2 = False #--- Image the continuum with uniform weighting (better angular resolution, worst sensitivity). step3 = False #--- Image the continuum with uvtaper (emphysizes extended emission over a certain scale). step4 = False #--- Image the continuum with uvrange (removes emission over/under a certain scale). step5 = False #--- Image the continuum with hogbom deconvolver (to compare with multiscale deconvolver). step6 = False #--- Mask moments 0, 1 and 2 ussing moment 0 emission as threshold (uses the moms maps made during step 5 of #-------------------------------# #--- STEP 0: Image the continuum with few iterations (undercleaning) ---# if step0: niter=50 print ' >> Cleaning Z-CMa continuum with iterations: '+str(niter) tclean(vis = myMS, imagename = myMS+'_ALL_SPW_CONTINUUM_niter='+str(niter), spw=contSPW, threshold=myThreshold, cell=[myCell], imsize=[myImsize,myImsize], #should cover about the FoV outframe='LSRK', niter=niter, deconvolver='multiscale', scales=[0,5,15],# inpixels equivalent to point source and 1, 3 times the beam. weighting = 'briggs', robust=0.5, pbcor=True, specmode='mfs', restoringbeam='common', nterms=1, chanchunks=-1, gridder='standard', usemask='user', mask=myMask ) #-------------------------------# #--- STEP 1: Image the continuum with natural weighting (better sensitivity, worst angular resolution) ---# if step1: weighting='natural' print ' >> Cleaning Z-CMa continuum with weighting: '+ weighting tclean(vis = myMS, imagename = myMS+'_ALL_SPW_CONTINUUM_'+weighting, spw=contSPW, threshold=myThreshold, cell=[myCell], imsize=[myImsize,myImsize], #should cover about the FoV outframe='LSRK', niter=10000, deconvolver='multiscale', scales=[0,5,15],# inpixels equivalent to point source and 1, 3 times the beam. weighting = weighting, pbcor=True, specmode='mfs', restoringbeam='common', nterms=1, chanchunks=-1, gridder='standard', usemask='user', mask=myMask ) #-------------------------------# #--- STEP 2: Image the continuum with uniform weighting (better angular resolution, worst sensitivity) ---# if step2: weighting='uniform' print ' >> Cleaning Z-CMa continuum with weighting: '+ weighting tclean(vis = myMS, imagename = myMS+'_ALL_SPW_CONTINUUM_'+weighting, spw=contSPW, threshold=myThreshold, cell=[myCell], imsize=[myImsize,myImsize], #should cover about the FoV outframe='LSRK', niter=10000, deconvolver='multiscale', scales=[0,5,15],# inpixels equivalent to point source and 1, 3 times the beam. weighting = weighting, pbcor=True, specmode='mfs', restoringbeam='common', nterms=1, chanchunks=-1, gridder='standard', usemask='user', mask=myMask ) #-------------------------------# #--- STEP 3: Image the continuum with uvtaper (emphysizes extended emission over a certain scale). ---# if step3: uvtaper='200klambda' print ' >> Cleaning Z-CMa continuum with uvtaper: '+uvtaper tclean(vis = myMS, imagename = myMS+'_ALL_SPW_CONTINUUM_uvtaper='+uvtaper, spw=contSPW, threshold=myThreshold, cell=[myCell], imsize=[myImsize,myImsize], #should cover about the FoV outframe='LSRK', niter=10000, uvtaper=uvtaper, deconvolver='multiscale', scales=[0,5,15],# inpixels equivalent to point source and 1, 3 times the beam. weighting = 'briggs', robust=0.5, pbcor=True, specmode='mfs', restoringbeam='common', nterms=1, chanchunks=-1, gridder='standard', usemask='user', mask=myMask ) #-------------------------------# #--- STEP 4: Image the continuum with uvrange (removes extended emission under/over a certain scale). ---# if step4: uvrange='>200klambda' print ' >> Cleaning Z-CMa continuum with uvrange: '+uvrange tclean(vis = myMS, imagename = myMS+'_ALL_SPW_CONTINUUM_uvrange='+uvrange, spw=contSPW, threshold=myThreshold, cell=[myCell], imsize=[myImsize,myImsize], #should cover about the FoV outframe='LSRK', niter=10000, selectdata=True, uvrange=uvrange, deconvolver='multiscale', scales=[0,5,15],# inpixels equivalent to point source and 1, 3 times the beam. weighting = 'briggs', robust=0.5, pbcor=True, specmode='mfs', restoringbeam='common', nterms=1, chanchunks=-1, gridder='standard', usemask='user', mask=myMask ) #-------------------------------# #--- STEP 5: Image the continuum with hogbom deconvolver (to compare with multiscale deconvolver) ---# if step5: deconvolver='hogbom' print ' >> Cleaning Z-CMa continuum with deconvolver: '+deconvolver tclean(vis = myMS, imagename = myMS+'_ALL_SPW_CONTINUUM_'+deconvolver, spw=contSPW, threshold=myThreshold, cell=[myCell], imsize=[myImsize,myImsize], #should cover about the FoV outframe='LSRK', niter=10000, deconvolver=deconvolver, weighting = 'briggs', robust=0.5, pbcor=True, specmode='mfs', restoringbeam='common', nterms=1, chanchunks=-1, gridder='standard', usemask='user', mask=myMask ) #-------------------------------# #--- STEP 6: Mask moments 0, 1 and 2 ussing moment 0 emission as threshold (uses the moms maps made during step 5 of ---# if step6: imagename='Z_CMa_CO_cube.image_red' #rootname threshold=0.07*5 mask = "'"+imagename+".integrated'>="+str(threshold) #masking using integrated moment print ' >> Blanking moments using: '+imagename+'.integrated > '+str(round(threshold,4)) for end_name in ['.integrated', '.weighted_coord','.weighted_dispersion_coord']: immath(imagename=imagename+end_name, expr='IM0', mask=mask, outfile=imagename+end_name+'_B')